Thursday, July 24, 2008
Special Ulang Bulan ke-2

Di ulangbulan ke-2 ini, ada gift spesial, yaitu "Jam Dinding"..
Eiitss it's not a common clock .. Special clock...becauuusee background-nya foto aku sm cowok aku tersayang...waaah so sweeeeet!!!
He gave me in this our special day..Hmm...really a kind romantic guy..!!!
..It's really surprise for me..He talked to me that he made that clock with himself, and his one friend..
Dia kasi aku jam dinding ini coz menurut dia jam di kost kamar aku terlalu kecil, dan kalo qta gi telf"an, aku always tanya jam ke dia..He really care of me, isn't he??...hehehe

Thanks and love u sayang!!

link | posted by windy at 11:01 AM

Friday, July 11, 2008
Alohaaaa...... 110708


banyak bgt yg pgn aku critain lwt blog ini...

but, slalu merasa ga sempet buka sempet posting..pdhl sebenernya bisa mengalokasikan wkt utk posting sebentar aja...

dipikir" sayang bgt ya klo setiap kejadian, setiap kebahagian, kesedihan, semuanya, yg terjadi dlm hidup qta tidak ter-record dgn jelas, hny sebatas tersimpan di memori otak, yg notabene hny bertahan 2-3 bln saja (based on memori.otak, qeqeqeqe)...

Okay deh, I try to posting again...especially for important moment in my life.... :)

link | posted by windy at 8:52 AM

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WiNDy IndaRiyaTi
CaLL Me 'NDy
feMaLe, 26
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